Hidden Wounds
This video takes a look at the signs or behaviors to look for regarding individuals who might be cutting themselves. Cutting is the act of inflicting pain on your own body by cutting the skin until it bleeds.

Levels of self abuse:
- Slight irritation of the skin
- Superficial scratches
- Razor blade marks
- Cuts or skin penetration
- Cigarette burns
Signs or behaviors to look for regarding individuals who might be cutting themselves:
- Isolating or pulling back
- Change in behavior
- Sharp objects missing
- Withdrawn or secretive
- Fresh scars or cuts
- In abusive relationships
- Hiding sharp objects
- Hoarding bandages
Myths about cutting:
- They are crazy
- They do it for attention
- All they have to do is stop doing it
- Cutting is just a weak suicide attempt
- If we ignore it, it will go away
- They will grow out of it
How to get help:
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Licensed Professional Counselors
- Counseling Agencies
- Call your local mental health center
- Talk to your school counselor
- Discuss it with your pediatrician
The Crisis Center - A 24-Hour Statewide Help Line
Website: NWACrisisCenter.org
Main and Adult Line: (888) 274-7472
Teen Line: (800) 798-8336
Friend Line: (888) 723-3225
Spanish Line: (866) 751-5937